Energy Council
(2014, Greece)
On 16th May 2014, Efficient Buildings Europe (formerly EuroACE) was invited to give a presentation to the Informal Energy Council held in Athens (Greece), in the framework of the Greek Council Presidency. Adrian JOYCE, Efficient Buildings Europe Secretary General, called Ministers to act decisively on energy efficiency, especially in buildings, in order to push back the EU Energy Dependence Day – the day on which the EU becomes entirely dependent on foreign imports. In 1995, the Energy Dependence Day was on 16th July, but in 2011, it was already on 18th June, meaning that energy dependence has increased. By putting in place well-designed energy efficiency policies, this could be pushed until 26th October.
Energy Council (2013, Ireland)
On 24th April 2013, Efficient Buildings Europe (formerly EuroACE) was invited to give a presentation to the Energy Council held in Dublin (Ireland), in the framework of the Irish Council Presidency. Adrian JOYCE, Efficient Buildings Europe Secretary General, called for long-term regulatory stability concerning energy efficiency policy, as only a purposeful target of 40% by 2030 could give investors and industry players the necessary confidence. He also highlighted some key improvements on how to drive better financing of energy efficiency projects.