Efficient Buildings Europe organises very regularly National Dialogue Events, in order to bring together businesses, civil society organisations, and national as well as local authorities, with the objective to foster good transposition and implementation of buildings-related EU Directives (EPBD and EED).
Germany (January 2020)
This National Dialogue Event was organised in partnership between Effcient Buildings Europe (formerly EuroACE) and DENEFF (the German Business Initiative for Energy Efficiency).

South East Europe (May 2019)
This Conference has been organised with the support of the C4E Forum and with the sponsorship of Efficient Buildings Europe (formerly EuroACE) member companies Knauf Insulation and VELUX.

France (March 2018)
This Workshop has been organised in partnership with the French Coalition for Energy Efficiency (CFEE) and with the sponsorship of Efficient Buildings Europe (formerly EuroACE) member company United Technologies.
Spain (June 2017)
This Workshop has been organised at the College of Architects of Madrid (COAM) with the sponsorship of Efficient Buildings Europe (formerly EuroACE) member company Knauf Insulation.
Poland (November 2015)
This Workshop has been organised in partnership with Narodowy Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej (NFOSiGW), the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, and with the sponsorship of Efficient Buildings Europe member company United Technologies.
Italy (February 2015)
This Workshop has been organised in partnership with the Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l’energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile (ENEA), the National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, and with the sponsorship of Efficient Buildings Europe (formerly EuroACE) member company Danfoss.
Hungary (May 2014)
This Workshop has been organised with the sponsorship of Efficient Buildings Europe (formerly EuroACE) member company GE Lighting.
Spain (July 2013)
This Workshop has been organised in partnership with El Grupo de Trabajo sobre Rehabilitación (GTR), the Working Group on Rehabilitation.