EurActiv Interview
Read here the interview of EuroACE Secretary General Adrian JOYCE, with EurActiv....
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EurActiv Article: European Parliament ITRE Commitee votes EED
Read here an article about the recent European Parliament vote in ITRE on the EED, with comments from EuroACE President Adam McCARTHY....
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ENDS Article: Launch of Smart Cities and Communities
A high level group of CEOs, mayors and bank managers will be set up to steer the development of new technologies that will make cities "smarter" and g...
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ENDS Article: Implementation of the EED
The recently adopted energy efficiency directive (EED) must be rapidly implemented by member states to exploit the "significant" job opportunities i...
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EurActiv Article: Requirements for public buildings in EED
Read here an article about requirements for renovating public buildings in the EED, with comments from EuroACE Secretary General Adrian JOYCE....
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EurActiv Article: Impact of EED on energy efficiency services
Read here an article on the possible impact of the EED on the market for energy efficiency services, with comments from EuroACE Secretary General Ad...
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EurActiv Article: EU Legislation on Sustainable Construction
Read here an article about how to improve EU legislation on buildings and sustainable construction, with a contribution from EuroACE Secretary General...
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European Voice Article: Contribution of Energy Efficiency to Cities
The energy intensity of city living can be cut by efficiency requirements for buildings and by combined heat and power. In terms of the impact that i...
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EurActiv Article: Reduction of energy demand in rural areas
Read here an article about the Rural Energy Days, with a contribution of EuroACE Secretary General Adrian JOYCE on reducing energy demand from buildin...
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